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New penalty values for endangered fish species

In the beginning of May the Finnish Fishing Act got an important addition. According to the paragraphs, an angler who is violating certain degrees of law by fishing with illegal methods, fishing in restricted areas, fishing during closed seasons or is fishing for prohibited species or undersized fish and keeps the catch will be liable to compensate the value of fish species. Also violations of bag limits may cause sanctions.

Value of brown trout 2 440 €
The values of engangered fish species are listed in a new degree that has been approved by Ministry of Acriculture and Forestry. Sanctions vary significantly according to different species and areas. Illegal fishing for brown trout (with an adipose fin) in Southern and Central Finland may cost 2 440 €. Corresponding value for prohibited sea trout is 3 260 €. On the water systems of Vuoksi and River Hiitolanjoki the sanction concerning fishing and keeping a landlocked salmon with an adipose fin is 7 510 €.

These new decrees and values will enhance the preservation and conservation of endangered species. So far the penalties and fines for anglers who did not obey the law have been ridiculously minimal in many cases. In last years, some quite rude offences have been reported e.g. on River Pielisjoki. The purpose of this new sanction system is to help root out poaching and to prevent violation of rules and regulations.

Values of species:

1. Baltic Sea salmon in sea and in inland waters 3 470 €
2. Adipose fin-clipped Baltic Sea salmon in sea and in inland waters 170 €
3. Arctic Ocean salmon in inland waters 3 480 €
4. Landlocked salmon on water systems of Vuoksi and River Hiitolanjoki 7 510 €
5. Adipose fin-clipped landlocked salmon on water systems of Vuoksi and River Hiitolanjoki 1 750 €
6. Landlocked salmon elsewhere than on water systems of Vuoksi and River Hiitolanjoki 280 €
7. Eel 3510 €
8. Lamprey 100 €
9. Sea trout in sea and in river 3 260 €
10. Adipose fin-clipped sea trout in sea and in river 390 €
11. Brown trout in inland waters south of 67.00° latitude 2 440 €
12. Adipose fin-clipped brown trout in inland waters south of 67.00° latitude 260 €
13. Brown trout in inland waters north of 67.00° latitude 410 €
14. Adipose fin-clipped brown trout in inland waters north of 67.00° latitude 80 €
15. Brown trout in brooks and ponds that don´t have migration connection to lake or sea 230 €
16. Grayling in sea 1 360 €
17. Grayling in inland waters south of 67.00° latitude 300 €
18. Grayling in inland waters north of 67.00° latitude 100 €
19. Arctic char on Lake Kuolimo and on Lake Saimaa on the water area between Puumalansalmi Sound and the head of River Vuoksi (Vuoksenniska) 5 100 €
20. Arctic char in other parts of water system of Vuoksi 960 €
21. Arctic char on Lake Inari 240 €
22. Noble crayfish 50 €
23. Whitefish on rivers and brooks running to Baltic Sea 460 €

Photo on the top: Fishing and keeping an undersized brown trout may lead to a penalty of 260 € in Southern and Central Finland. (Photo: Ismo Kolari)


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