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Ice Fishing for Grayling


Palosaari Reindeer and Fishing Farm
Meskusvaarantie 66
FI-93999 Kuusamo
Tel.: +358 40 589 1695
Fishing methods: ice-fishing
Game species: grayling
Program schedule: winter
Program duration: half of day or shorter

Ice Fishing for Grayling

Our guide will pick you up from Ruka-Kuusamo area and he will take you by the clear waters. It will be shallow water so you can see when fishes are striking, you need to have nerves to get them on your hook. During the trip you have chance to catch also whitefish and perch. At some point we will have snack. When you have patience and you will be active with you fishing, you normally get fishes enough for soup.
Best season, October-November and April.

Price Adult 90€
Price Child 60e
Price Includes Transportation Ruka-Kuusamo area, fishing gears, guide, snack and coffee
Duration 5-6 hours

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