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Ice Fishing And Skiing Finnish Championships in Pertunmaa on 4th March 2023

Finland is a country of many strange contests. One of them is ”Pilkkihiihto”, a race that connects fishing and cross-country skiing. Ice fishing & skiing (Pilkkihiihto) is a competition that has never reached the masses. Anyway, it is still alive and well with a history of almost 50 years. This year's Finnish Ice Fishing & Skiing Championships will take place on National Skiing Day on March 4. The contest will be arranged in Pertumaa on Lake Pienivesi.

The rules of Pilkkihiihto are simple; after a mass start and a short skiing, competitors start to ice fish. After one has got his or her first fish, he or she will ski along the ski track towars the goal area with the fish. It is allowed to put fish in a waist bag or plastic bag or, as the original purpose was, ski with a fish in a mouth! Competitors will leave their fish at the goal area under supervision and then go fishing for another fish. The skiing round is about one kilometer long. The contest period is two hours and the winner is who has skied more fishy rounds than others.

Pilkkihiihto was invented in the middle of 70's, when late Antero Rusanen got an idea of the special sport in Mäntyharju. Ice Fishing & Skiing contests have been mostly held in eastern part on the country. A special summer competition, the Fishrun (Kalajuoksu) is also arranged in Finland.

The Finnish Ice Fishing Championships (without skiing!) will take place on Lake Nuasjärvi in Sotkamo on March 25, 2023.

Ice Fishing And Skiing Finnish Championships 1986 ‒ Yle Archives

Pilkkihiihto Facebook Pages

Ice Fishing Finnish Championships 2023 Sotkamo

Photo: Ice fishing does good for health and mind. In early spring it is fabulous to go kilometres on a flat ice by foot, skiis, kicksled or bike and find the secret distant fishing spots. Fishing is exciting and when there is a fishing contest going on, feeling is thrilling, when the ice auger hole is in the right place for once and the spot is full of hungry perch. Photo: Ismo Kolari.





摄影: Jari Tuiskunen 
在 Helsinki。
在 Helsinki。


芬兰人酷爱比赛,钓鱼比赛更是历史悠久。 钓鱼比赛形式繁多,包括冰钓、垂钓、拖钓、旋式饵钓和钓小龙虾。 其中,冰钓比赛的人气最旺;规模最大的冰钓比赛可吸引成千上万名参赛者。

夏季最受欢迎的赛事是数百场的拖钓比赛,其中规模最大、最著名的拖钓比赛要属在 Kesälahti 举办的 24 小时划船拖钓马拉松赛,即 Puruvesi 鲑鱼拖钓锦标赛。 Tenojoki 河鲑鱼拖钓锦标赛则要求参赛选手从宏伟的拉普兰上游河流中拖钓大型鲑鱼。

摄影: Lentokuva Vallas 
在 Kallavesi 湖芬兰国家锦标赛期间,整个冰面人头攒动。
在 Kallavesi 湖芬兰国家锦标赛期间,整个冰面人头攒动。

在芬兰湾举办的鲑鱼拖钓欧洲锦标赛开幕时,会吸引大量参赛者和观众赶往赫尔辛基。 Oulujärvi 湖上的梭子鱼拖钓欧洲锦标赛以及 Längelmävesi 湖上的梭鲈拖钓世界锦标赛都是每年举办一次。 听听这些赛事隆重的头衔,比如:“世界锦标赛”,您就可以看出芬兰垂钓者对钓鱼这项娱乐活动多么痴迷与热衷。 许多赛事没有参赛限制,只要感兴趣,任何人都可以参加。

摄影: Petteri Kontila 
在 Inari 的 Rahajärvi 湖上举办的拖钓比赛。
在 Inari 的 Rahajärvi 湖上举办的拖钓比赛。


芬兰每年会举行约 50 场鱼产品交易会,人们可以现场品尝各种美味鱼餐,观赏各种新鲜活鱼和经加工保藏的各种鱼产品。同时,人们还可以观看到丰富精彩的娱乐表演。 规模最大的鱼产品交易活动是每年秋季分别在赫尔辛基和土尔库举办的波罗的海鲱鱼交易会,以及每年春秋两季举办的 Tampere 鱼产品交易会。

Fish fair calendar (in Finnish)

摄影: Veli-Pekka Räty 
鱼市有油炸白鲑和其它鱼类食品出售。Tampere 鱼市。
鱼市有油炸白鲑和其它鱼类食品出售。Tampere 鱼市。


猎具与渔具产品交易会是垂钓者和自然爱好者的盛宴,其中几场交易会每年都会举办。 这类交易会中最有名的要属 Riihimäki 国际体育用品交易会、Oulu 举办的北芬兰户外生活用品交易会以及 Kuopio 举办的 Savo 野外用品交易会。 这些交易会向人们展示各种工具装备、服饰和旅行用品,其中不乏最前沿的产品创新与发明。

摄影: Petteri Kontila 
Kuopio 市每隔一年举办一次 Savo 野外用品交易会。
Kuopio 市每隔一年举办一次 Savo 野外用品交易会。
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